Pumula Youth Launch Project to Tackle Drug Abuse and Unemployment

Written by on February 5, 2025

5 February 2025

By Makhosethu Ndlovu

Pumula youths have launched a community project aimed at fighting drug abuse, nurturing talent, and creating employment opportunities. The initiative was officially introduced during a groundbreaking ceremony on Saturday.

The youth-led project, in partnership with Yellow World, Pumula Arts and Craft, and Home of Arts, seeks to provide sustainable income sources for young people.

Ward 17 Councillor Sikhululekile Moyo commended the initiative, emphasizing her commitment to supporting its success.

“This project was initiated by the youths, to encourage each other and the wish to help one another in eradicating unemployment and fighting against drugs and substance abuse . A lot of activities will be done in the youth centre , it’s their safe space, Councillor Moyo said.

” They looked for the place on their own and one of the youths found the land and asked for assistance from her peers and they came together in putting it into good use.”

Home of Arts deputy director Evidence Zana highlighted that the Youth City Centre project will unite young people, promote entrepreneurship, and equip them with skills for self-sufficiency.

“The project will go a long way in addressing challenges that are faced by young people , that is lack of safe spaces, unemployment, limited tools for youth to develop their skills and also to help limit issues of drug and substance abuse. We hope that from this project young people will finally get space where they can nurture their talents,” said Zana.

The initiative is expected to empower the youth and create positive change in the community.

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